Kent County Council (KCC) are planning to reduce funding for bus services. The bus services that could be impacted are :-
THIS WILL TAKE EFFECT FROM AUGUST 2022 Have your say Before any decisions are made, make your views known on how the proposed bus service withdrawals could impact you, by completing the Questionnaire at :- www.kent.gov.uk/bussavings THIS CONSULTATION CLOSES AT MIDNIGHT ON THE 20th APRIL The annual Parish council meeting will be held at 7.30pm ON TUESDAY 12th APRIL 2022
IN THE MEMORIAL HALL. Lamberhurst Residents are encouraged to attend AGENDA 1. Chairman’s Welcome. 2. Parish Council Chairman’s Report for the past year. 3. 20mph restrictions in Lamberhurst. 4. Bus service reduction in Lamberhurst. 5. Upgrade of the Public Toilet. 6. The Chairman will then open the floor for discussion of items of interest or concern to the parish.