Lamberhurst Brass Band Gavin Holman – 17 January 2021 Under Construction
Lamberhurst Brass Band – Coronation Day, 9th August 1902
The Lamberhurst Brass Band was founded in 1870, originally as a drum and fife band, but they quickly converted to a brass band. Original members included Walter Bailey (b. 1849-1949) on cornet, and his brother Edwin Bailey (b. 1858-1938), Charles Greagsbey (b. 1859-1945).
Walter and Emily Bailey
Known band members:
Walter Bailey (b. 1849-1949) – founding member on cornet, then conductor from the early 1870’s through to around 1909. Thereafter, he was bandmaster until the band folded. In 1881 his occupation was an agricultural labourer, later becoming a gardener (domestic) in the 1891, 1901, and 1911 censuses. Edwin Bailey (b. 1858-1938) – founding member, his occupation was generally given as an agricultural labourer or farm worker.
Charles Greagsbey (b. 1859-1945) – founding member, occupation bricklayer in 1881, bricklayer, tobacconist & feedsman in 1891/1901, and bricklayer, general shop in 1911. George Frederick Willett (b. 1877) – conductor from 1909 to 1913, was an insurance agent. He emigrated to Canada in 1913. Harry Watts – conductor in early 1914, occupation general labourer, living in Spring Cottage Arthur Kennard (b. 1865-1951) was a playing member, a house painter by occupation. John Bassett-Burr (b. 1879-1950) was conductor in 1925-1934, occupation bricklayer’s labourer in 1901/1911. Colonel Frank Gun Delamain (b. 1858-1939) was President of the band in the 1910’s. He was a retired Army officer (11th King Edward’s Own Lancers – retiring from the Indian Army on 17 January 1910), born in France of British parents. Robin Charles Varrell, ( Killed in Action, 21st March 1915) at one time conductor of the band (Len) Willet, Walter Bailey 'Brusha' Wright Alf Clarke, Fred Hawkins, George Bishop (drum) 'Jack' Bassett, Arthur Kennard Snr. Albert Relph Charlie Fuller Bill Campany Mr Groombridge Mr Brissenden
Series of engagements from 1873 to 1934
30 August 1873 – played at intervals during the Bell’s Ewe Green v. Bayham cricket match at Bell’s Ewe Green.
1 January 1874 – played for the Marchioness Camden when she entertained her workpeople, at Bayham, with plum cake, bread and butter, tea, sweets, and fruit.
26 May 1874 – the band provided music at the anniversary dinner of theCrowborough Ancient Briton’s Friendly Society, at the White Hart Hotel.
28 July 1874 – entertained the members and guests of the Frant Friendly Society at their anniversary festivities.
25 May 1875 – led the parade of the Hand-in-Hand Benefit Society through the village of Lamberhurst, conducted by their bandmaster Mr Taylor.
3 June 1875 – headed the procession of the Brenchley Club through the village of Brenchley
8 June 1875 – some members of the band, together with Mr Taylor, assisted the Collier Band from Yalding, at the Goudhurst Benefit Club anniversary.
18 May 1877 – the band provided music at the anniversary dinner of the Coursley Wood Friendly Society, at the Old Vine Inn, Coursley Wood.
22 May 1877 – entertained the members of the Hand-in-Hand Friendly Society during their anniversary celebrations at the Swan Inn, Lamberhurst.
5 November 1877 – the ‘Bonfire Boys” held their usual parade through Lamberhurst, with musical accompaniment from the Lamberhurst Brass Band and the Marchioness Camden’s Fife and Drum Band.
27 July 1878 – the National School children’s treat took place with food, stalls, and sports. The band led the children back into school at the end of the day.
5 November 1878 – the band led the ‘Bonfire Boys” parade through Lamberhurst.
5 November 1880 – the band led the ‘Bonfire Boys” parade through Lamberhurst, conducted by Walter Bailey.
24 November 1880 – the band provided music at the dinner of the Lamberhurst Bonfire Society at the Swan Inn.
1 August 1881 – the band entertained the crowds at the Foresters’ Fete at Southborough.
3 June 1882 – the band led the Otford Friendly Society to church in its annual celebration day.
7 July 1883 – the band entertained the members of the Wrotham, Plaxtol and Borough Green branches of the Kent and Sussex Labourers’ Union, at their amalgamated meeting at Wrotham.
11 June 1884 – the band led the members of the Langton Friendly Society in their parade as part of their annual celebration.
30 July 1884 – the band entertained the visitors to the Lamberhurst Horticultural Show, in Scotney Park.
28 July 1885 – the band played at the garden party held to celebrate the wedding of Mary Louis Grant and Henry Maitland Sperling, at Court Lodge, Lamberhurst.
Court Lodge, Lamberhurst
2 August 1885 – the band entertained the visitors to the Lamberhurst Horticultural Show, in the grounds of Court Lodge.
20 June 1887 – the band performed during the day as the village celebrated Queen Victoria’s Jubilee, ending with dancing and fireworks.
22 May 1889 - entertained the members of the Hand-in-Hand Friendly Society during their anniversary celebrations at the Down, near the Swan Inn, Lamberhurst, after leading their parade, conducted by Walter Bailey.
23 August 1889 – entertained the guests at the silver wedding celebrations of the Rector and Mrs Streatfield, at Frant.
20 May 1896 – led the procession of the Hand-in-Hand Benefit Society in their anniversary and church parade.
26 July 1896 – led the procession of the combined Foresters, Hand-in-Hand, and Equitable benefit societies, in their church parade.
29 July 1896 - the band, together with the Band of the West Kent Rifle Volunteers, entertained the visitors to the Lamberhurst Horticultural Show, in Court Lodge Park.
30 January 1897 – led the procession through the village in celebration of the newly married Mr & Mrs P. Simpson, on their return from Brighton.
3 August 1898 – the band provided music at the Sale of Work at Lamberhurst Priory.
10 July 1899 – led the procession which welcomed home the newly married Mr & Mrs Burrows on their return from honeymoon.
1 October 1899 – led the Lamberhurst Rifle Volunteers in their church parade.
3 March 1900 – on hearing the news of the Relief of Ladysmith, the village erupted in celebration and the band led them in a torchlight procession to a huge platform where many speeches took place.
13 June 1900 – led the procession of the Goudhurst Benefit Society in their 64th anniversary celebrations.
23 June 1900 – an impromptu parade was arranged to meet Corporal F.G. Jeffery, of the 3rd East Kent Regiment of the Buffs, who had returned from the Boer War.
10 September 1900 – another welcome parade for a returning soldier, this time Major Morland, who had arrived on the steamship “Manhattan” in Southampton. The band rendered the welcome strains of “Home, Sweet Home.”
5 December 1900 – another returning honeymoon couple, Mr & Mrs Hussey, were welcome by a large crowd and the band, who processed through the village.
21 January 1901 – saw the return to the village of Trumpeter A. “Tommy” Ferris, which was celebrated by all and the Lamberhurst Brass Band in particular. He had been the trumpeter for the West Kent Yeomanry, led by the Marquis Camden.
10 July 1901 – the band took part in an open-air concert in aid of the Lamberhurst Cricket Club, at Court Lodge Park.
9 August 1901 – the band performed at the Lamberhurst Flower Show.
12 October 1901 – the band played the “Dead March” from Saul, and Chopin’s “Funeral March”, as they escorted the cortège and mourners in the funeral of Major C.F.Harris of Lamberhurst, together with a military escort of 100 men from the 2nd Battalion East Kent Rifle Volunteers.
27 March 1902 – the band played music during the evening which celebrated the opening of the new Billiard Room at the Chequers Hotel.
3 August 1902 – the band led the church parade of the Amalgamated Friendly Societies, and it was supplemented by the Salvation Army band.
9 August 1902 – Coronation Day – the band posed for a commemorative photograph.
12 August 1902 – the Bayham Abbey Coronation Fete, which had been deferred from 9 August, took place, with the Lamberhurst band providing musical entertainment and, at the end, leading the celebrating villagers in procession to the front of Bayham mansion to view the fireworks.
26 August 1902 – the band entertained the guests at a large garden party at Court Lodge, Lamberhurst. Their programme included: march “Rifle Brigade” (B.B. Ball), overture “Sylvan Glade” (E. Villiers), waltz “Fairyland” (H. Round), grand fantasia “Crown of Gold” (Victor Bust), barn dance “Belle of Cornville” (George Southwell), selection “Songs of other Days” (H. Round), waltz “Wild Flower” (W. Rimmer), polka “Sunbeam” (Carl Albert), cornet solo “Queen of the Earth” (A. Morelli), selection “Notre chère Alsace” (H. Kling), waltz “Light and Shade” (H. Round), galop “Transport” (A.R. Seddon), and the National Anthem.
6 September 1902 – the band entertained the guests at Mr & Mrs Horan’s “Treat” at their residence, “The Mount”, to which had been invited all the aged of the parish. Over 80 people put in an appearance and enjoyed a meat tea, dancing and games. Each guest was presented with a medallion box with the King’s head embossed, containing chocolate.
23 May 1903 – the band played at the opening of the new shooting range for the Miniature Rifle Club, at Court Lodge Park.
2 August 1903 - the band led the church parade of the Amalgamated Friendly Societies, in conjunction with the members of D Company, 2nd Weald of Kent Volunteer Battalion, East Kent Regiment. The collections, amounting to over £8, were sent to the Tunbridge Wells hospitals.
12 August 1903 - the band performed at the Lamberhurst Flower Show.
19 July 1904 - the band entertained the guests at a large garden party at Court Lodge, Lamberhurst, with over 300 people.
10 August 1904 - the band performed at the Lamberhurst Flower Show.
25 October 1904 – a special meeting of the band took place in their rehearsal room at the Rising Sun Inn, where they presented the Secretary, Mr George W. Swift with a marble 14-day clock, on the occasion of his retirement from the management of the band.
21 June 1905 – the band attended the Foresters’ Fete at Rotherfield, providing entertainment and leading the procession of the “Court St Denys” A.O.F. lodge members.
2 August 1905 – the band played at the Rotherfield Flower Show, held at Castle Hill, Rotherfield.
6 August 1905 – the band led the annual church parade of D Company East Kent Rifle Volunteers, from the Lamberhurst Down to the church.
31 August 1905 – the band entertained the guests at Mr & Mrs Horan’s “Treat” for the aged of the parish. Over 80 people again put in an appearance and enjoyed tea, dancing and games. Each guest was presented with a large bun by Mrs Horan.
22 November 1905 – the band provided musical entertainment at the Lamberhurst Chrysanthemum, Vegetable and Hop Show, at the George Hotel Assembly Rooms in the village.
27 December 1905 – the band led the escort of welcome home to Lamberhurst for Mr & Mrs B.L. Playfoot on their return from honeymoon in Scotland.
12 August 1906 - the band led the procession of the Ticehurst United Friendly Societies in their annual church parade through Ticehurst.
19 August 1906 – members of the band assisted the Wadhurst Brass Band in the procession of the Wadhurst Friendly Societies in their annual church parade through Wadhurst.
12 June 1907 – the band made its first public appearance of the season on the village green under the Victoria oak, led, as usual, by Walter Bailey. During the summer months it was intended the band would play every Wednesday and Sunday evenings, the latter being at alternate places.
29 June 1907 – 16 members of the band took on the local Lamberhurst Cricket Club in a cricket match at the Chequer’s Club ground. The band also played selections of music during the afternoon.
31 July 1907 – the Lamberhurst Flower Show and Sports took place, with the band providing musical entertainment. This year they had also arranged for some special guest artistes – The Great De Ora (a graceful and intrepid performance in mid-air), Leon Dubois (the Man Monkey in his thrilling feats on the perpendicular rope), The Ottos (acrobats, pantomimists, knockabouts and dancers), Forest and Wood (tumblers, hand balancers, table jumpers, and Risley Somersault Throwers), and The Cantos (gymnasts and acrobatic tumblers).
21 August 1907 – the band entertained the guests at the wedding reception of Mr and Mrs William Henry Curtis, at the Chequers Hotel.
25 April 1908 – the band met the returning champion Lamberhurst Football team after their match against the rest of the League at Ticehurst.
9 June 1908 - the band led the procession of the Ticehurst United Friendly Societies in their annual church parade through Ticehurst.
14 July 1908 – the Lamberhurst Wesleyan Sunday School children had their annual treat at Down Farm, and were entertained by the Band.
21 July 1909 - the Lamberhurst Flower Show and Sports took place, with the band providing musical entertainment. The band, with 17 players, in their new uniforms with gold-peaked caps, was conducted by G. Willett.
Lamberhurst Harvest Festival 1908
8 August 1909 – the band took part in the Wadhurst Hospital Sunday parade, together with the Wadhurst Brass Band, the Wadhurst Salvation Army Band, and Mr Fred Blake, of Tunbridge Wells, with his famous dog ‘Ranger’.
29 August 1909 - the band led the procession of the Ticehurst United Friendly Societies in their annual church parade through Ticehurst, assisted by the Wadhurst Salvation Army Band.
2 March 1910 – the band took part in a concert at the Chester Hall, Lamberhurst, in aid of the Lamberhurst Down Cricket Club. Among the pieces they played were the selections “Continental Tour”, “Minstrel Melodies” and “American Sketch in Old Kentucky”.
14 August 1910 – the band took part in the Wadhurst Hospital Sunday parade, together with the Wadhurst Brass Band.
30 August 1910 – the band entertained the tenant guests at the Marquis and Marchioness Camden’s garden party at Bayham Abbey, providing music on the lawn during the afternoon.
13 August 1911 - the band led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Wadhurst, in a combine band with the Wadhurst Brass Band.
8 April 1912 – attended the Redhill contest at Wiggie Lane Gardens. Drew number 2 of 10 bands, but were unplaced.
17 July 1912 – the band led the village school children of Frant to the park, to indulge in various games and races, hosted by Miss Thornton of Ely Grange, Frant.
4 August 1912 – the band took part in the Wadhurst Hospital Sunday parade, together with the Wadhurst Brass Band.
10 August 1912 – an al fresco dance was held in the grounds of Lamberhurst Priory, in aid of Lamberhurst Brass Band funds.
9 October 1912 – the band attended the Ticehurst Carnival, providing musical selections.
12 May 1913 – attended the Southern Counties Association Contest (3rd Section) at The Grange, Crowborough. Conducted by W. Burrell (a professional instructor from Eastbourne), they played number 3, with the test piece "The Troubadour" by Charles Liebert, and gained 2nd prize of £3 15s with 35 points. They also took 2nd place in the march competition.
27 June 1913 – the band had played several engagements in the previous few weeks, in the village, The Down, Town Hill, and The Green.
12 July 1913 – the band headed the processions as part of the Lamberhurst Young Men’s Evening Club Grand Carnival, in the village.
2 August 1913 – the band attended the flower show at Bayham Abbey, playing selections throughout the afternoon.
16 August 1913 - an al fresco concert and dance was held in the grounds of Court Lodge, in aid of Lamberhurst Brass Band funds.
Lamberhurst Village, c. 1900
13 April 1914 – attended the Southern Counties Association Contest (3rd Section) at Kings Head Meadow, Horley, Surrey. Conducted by R.C. Verrall, they played number 8 of 10 bands, with the test piece "Classic Gems" by William Rimmer, and gained 5th place.
16 May 1914 – the band took part in the Great Anti-Home Rule Demonstration on Tunbridge Wells Common, together with Tunbridge Wells Veterans Band, East Peckham Band,
7 June 1914 – the band gave two sacred concerts at the Lillesden Park, Harkhurst, in the afternoon and evening.
7 July 1914 – the band committee held a meeting in the George and Dragon, chaired by Mr H. Cannon.
8 July 1914 – the band headed the processions as part of the Lamberhurst Young Men’s Evening Club Grand Carnival, in the village.
29 July 1914 - the Lamberhurst Flower Show and Sports took place in the Chequers field, with the band providing musical entertainment.
25 July 1915 - the band led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Mayfield.
1 August 1915 - the band led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Lamberhurst, together with the Salvation Army band, marching through the village to Court Lodge and back to the Down.
6 August 1916 - the band led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Lamberhurst.
12 August 1917 - the band, augmented by some members of Wadhurst Brass Band, led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Lamberhurst.
31 May 1919 – the band played a number of selections on the Lamberhurst Vicarage lawn.
9 June 1919 – the band provided musical entertainment when the grounds of Scotney Castle were opened for a fete, to raise money for the Lamberhurst War Memorial. They played for dancing on the Green in the evening.
19 July 1919 – the village Peace Celebrations took place, with the band leading the procession and providing music through the day.
27 August 1919 - the band led the annual Hospital Sunday parade at Lamberhurst, together with the Salvation Army band, marching through the village to Court Lodge and back to the Down.
28 July 1920 – the band performed at the Flower, Poultry, and Rabbit Show, at Ely Place, Frant.
30 July 1920 – the band took part in the celebrations at Bayham Abbey for the coming-of-age of the Earl of Brecknock.
1 August 1920 - the band led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Lamberhurst.
2 August 1920 – the band led the procession for the Ex-Servicemen’s Association Carnival in Lamberhurst.
8 August 1920 - the band, together with Crowborough Silver Band, led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Crowborough, also providing a joint concert in the Broadway in the evening.
15 August 1920 – the band took part in the Wadhurst Hospital Sunday parade, together with the Wadhurst Brass Band.
31 July 1921 - the band led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Lamberhurst.
7 August 1921 – the band took part in the Wadhurst Hospital Sunday parade, together with the Wadhurst Brass Band.
19 July 1922 – the band took part in the fairy play “The Enchanted Glen” which was performed at Court Lodge by members of the Children’s Union.
6 August 1922 - the band, together with Crowborough Silver Band, led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Crowborough, also providing a joint concert in the Memorial Hall in the evening.
19 August 1922 – attended the Royal Tunbridge Wells Contest (Section 3) at the Rangers Football Ground, Tunbridge Wells. Conductor not known, it was an own-choice test piece contest, and they were unplaced in a field of 7 bands.
13 June 1923 – the band provided musical entertainment at Ely Place, Frant, on the occasion of the members of C and D Divisions of the City Police being invited there for lunch and a cricket match.
8 July 1923 - the band participated in the Tunbridge Wells Hospital Sunday parade, together with the Tunbridge Wells Town Band, the Veterans’ Association Band, Oxted Silver Prize Band, and Paddock Wood Band.
22 July 1923 – the band took part in the Pembury Hospital Sunday parade.
12 August 1923 - the band led the procession for the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Lamberhurst, with the Limehouse Salvation Army Band, the bands playing “In Memoriam” when the parade paused to lay a wreath on the Memorial Cross. The Lamberhurst Band gave a concert in the evening on the Green. The band had also attended the similar parade in Crowborough earlier that month.
11 November 1923 – the band provided music for the service and parade at the Lamberhurst Remembrance Day.
24 June 1924 – the band entertained the members of the Women’s Nursing Association and their children at the guest event at Ely Place, Frant.
16 July 1924 – the band entertained the guests, friends, tenants, tradespeople and others, at the celebration of the coming-of-age of William Morland, at Court Lodge.
3 August 1924 - the band led the procession for the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Lamberhurst, assisted by the Crowborough Silver Band.
13 August 1924 – the band provided music for dancing in the evening at the Children’s Union Fete at Down House, Lamberhurst.
17 August 1924 - the band, together with Crowborough Silver Band, led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Crowborough, also providing a joint concert in the evening, which had to be curtailed due to the rain. Features of the music include Master Tommy Manser, aged 13, of Crowborough, playing the flugel horn, and Walter Bailey, of Lamberhurst, aged 73, playing the trombone.
24 August 1924 – the band took part in the Capel Hospital Sunday parade, together with the Paddock Wood Band.
9 November 1924 – the band provided music for the service and parade at the Lamberhurst Remembrance Day.
17 December 1924 – the band held a Whist Drive in the Memorial Hall in aid of their funds, organised by the band chairman Noel W.S. Halsey, and committee members G. Waters and Mr Griggs.
18 February 1925 – a Whist Drive was held to raise funds for the Band, in particular to buy new instruments. The band played for dancing in the evening.
5 July 1925 - the band participated in the Tunbridge Wells Hospital Sunday parade, together with the Tunbridge Wells Town Band, the Veterans’ Association Band, Oxted Silver Prize Band, and Paddock Wood Band.
24 July 1925 – the band provided music for dancing at the Children’s Union Fete at Down House, Lamberhurst.
3 August 1925 – the band led the procession in the British Legion Carnival at Lamberhurst.
16 August 1925 - the band, together with Crowborough Silver Band, led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Crowborough, also providing a joint concert in the evening.
6 November 1925 – Walter Bailey and his wife, Emily, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
18 December 1925 – the band collected £2 16s. during the week to send to Capel Isolation Hospital for this patients at Christmas.
20 June 1926 – the band gave a concert in the Chequers field. It was hoped to give similar performances fortnightly, weather permitting.
11 July 1926 - the band participated in the Tunbridge Wells Hospital Sunday parade, together with the Veterans’ Association Band, Crowborough Silver Band, St Dunstan’s Prize Band, Tunbridge Wells Town Band, and Wadhurst Brass Band.
1 August 1926 - the band led the annual Hospital Sunday parade at Lamberhurst.
2 August 1926 – the band attended the British Legion sports at the Chequers field.
28 August 1926 – the band played selections on the lawn of Mount Horan, Lamberhurst, home of N.W. S. Halsey, which was open for visitors to view the gardens.
7 November 1926 – the band provided music for the service and parade at the Lamberhurst Remembrance Day.
7 May 1927 – attended the Royal Tunbridge Wells Contest (Section 3) at the Calverley Grounds, Tunbridge Wells. Conducted by John Bassett, they took 4th prize, playing the test piece "The Pirates of Penzance (selection)" by Sir Arthur Sullivan.
24 July 1927 – the band led a parade of the Lamberhurst British Legion to the church for a service in commemoration of the Menin Gate at Ypres.
31 July 1927 - the band led the procession for the annual Hospital Sunday parade at Lamberhurst, assisted by members of the Crowborough Silver Band.
6 August 1927 – the band played music during the visit of the Lamberhurst Women’s Institute to Mount Horan.
6 November 1927 – the band provided music for the service and parade at the Lamberhurst Remembrance Day.
11 July 1928 – the band provided music during the afternoon, and also for dancing at the Children’s Union Fete at Down House, Lamberhurst.
22 July 1928 - the band took part in the Tunbridge Wells Hospital Sunday parade, together with the Tunbridge Wells Town Band and the Wadhurst Brass Band.
11 November 1928 – the band provided music for the service and parade at the Lamberhurst Remembrance Day.
4 February 1929 – the band attended the funeral of one of its oldest members, Charles Fuller, aged 57, at Lamberhurst.
20 July 1929 – the band provided musical entertainment at the Mayfield Sports.
11 August 1929 - the band, together with Crowborough Silver Band, led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Crowborough, also providing a joint concert in the evening in the White Hart Meadow.
10 November 1929 – the band provided music for the service and parade at the Lamberhurst Remembrance Day.
16 July 1930 – the band provided music during the afternoon, and also for dancing at the Children’s Union Fete at Down House, Lamberhurst.
4 August 1930 – the band attended the British Legion sports at the Chequers field.
24 August 1930 - the band, conducted by John Bassett, together with Crowborough Silver Band, conducted by P. Bowles, led the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Crowborough, also providing a joint concert in the Broadway in the evening.
16 July 1931 – the band provided music for dancing in the evening at the Children’s Union Fete at Down House, Lamberhurst.
2 August 1931 - the band led the procession for the annual Friendly Societies’ Hospital Sunday parade at Lamberhurst, with the Limehouse Salvation Army Band.
3 August 1931 – the band played at the Lamberhurst Gymkhana, held on the Chequers Field.
6 September 1931 - the band, conducted by John Bassett, together with Crowborough Silver Band, conducted by P. Bowles, led the Hospital Sunday parade at Crowborough, also providing a joint sacred concert in the Broadway in the evening.
27 July 1932 – the band provided music during the afternoon at the Children’s Union Fete at Down House, Lamberhurst. However the weather intervened, with heavy showers, causing the fete to be abandoned and postponed for a fortnight, and relocated to Oak Lodge.
10 August 1932 - the band provided music during the afternoon at the postponed Children’s Union Fete at Oak Lodge, Lamberhurst, conducted by Mr Bish.
6 November 1932 – the band provided music for the service and parade at the Lamberhurst Remembrance Day.
11 July 1933 - the band provided music during the afternoon at the Children’s Union Fete at Oak Lodge, Lamberhurst, in aid of the Lamberhurst Cot at the Pyrford Orthopædic Hospital.
5 November 1933 – the band provided music for the service and parade at the Lamberhurst Remembrance Day, assisted by some members of Wadhurst Brass Band.
1934 – the Lamberhurst Brass Band disbanded at some point during the year.
6 November 1935 – Walter Bailey and his wife, Emily, celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary. Since the Lamberhurst Band’s disbandment, he had been playing with the Wadhurst Brass Band, having also played with Yalding, Wateringbury, Collier Street, Horsmonden, and Goudhurst Brass Bands. Between 1870 and 1924 he had attended more than 5,000 practices and 1,500 performances with the Lamberhurst Band.
8 December 1937 – the Lamberhurst Boys’ Club held a concert at the Memorial Hall, at which the “Relics of Lamberhurst Brass Band”, conducted by Mr Varrall, played an overture to open the proceedings.