Parish Council
Minutes & Documents
Archive 2020
Lamberhurst Parish Council meetings are held bi-monthly in the War Memorial Hall on The Broadway. They are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the following months, January, March, May, July, September, November. Additionally the Annual Parish Meeting (APM) is usually held during April.
An Annual Parish Meeting is not a Parish Council meeting it is a meeting for the electorate of the parish to discuss matters of interest or concern to the parish. It is an assembly open to all electors of the parish, chaired by the parish council chairman or vice-chairman if present, or by a person chosen by the meeting if neither is present.
An Annual Parish Meeting is not a Parish Council meeting it is a meeting for the electorate of the parish to discuss matters of interest or concern to the parish. It is an assembly open to all electors of the parish, chaired by the parish council chairman or vice-chairman if present, or by a person chosen by the meeting if neither is present.
LPC Minutes from 2020