Lamberhurst Neighbourhood Development Plan
Latest Information about our Neighbourhood Development Plan
After nearly 4 years work and a resounding referendum result in favour, the Lamberhurst Development plan (LNDP) now has full legal status and must be included within the process of making planning decision that impact the area. All those involved in reaching this significant milestone for the benefit of all those living in Lamberhurst need to be congratulated on their hard work and dedication.
The LNDP was written with the help and input from a broad cross section of the Parish community with the assistance of professional planning advisors. A detailed residents survey was undertaken in the summer of 2018 followed by a series of public workshops in the autumn to scope a Parish Vision and the polices to guide appropriate development in the Parish
The LNDP was written with the help and input from a broad cross section of the Parish community with the assistance of professional planning advisors. A detailed residents survey was undertaken in the summer of 2018 followed by a series of public workshops in the autumn to scope a Parish Vision and the polices to guide appropriate development in the Parish
In the summer of 2019 the original draft "Regulation 14” was submitted to public consultation after which it was modified to take account of feedback received. It was then submitted along with Basic Conditions and Public Consultation Statements to TWBC who carried out a further public consultation between 30th October and 11th December 2020.
An Independent Examiner was appointed earlier this year to examine whether the LNDP met the basic conditions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and whether the plan should proceed to a referendum. Their report recommended a number of modifications which were adopted in the latest ‘referendum edition” of the plan. The updated plan is available on the TWBC website as well as the Parish website, for details of both the decision process of TWBC and the referendum you can visit the following link on the TWBC website: |
The lockdowns of the last 18 months has meant it has been difficult to arrange any meeting to update parishioners on the progress of the LNDP face to face however now that restrictions have been lifted the Neighbourhood Steering Group would like to invite everyone who is free to a meeting at 8pm on Thursday September 2nd at the Memorial Hall when we will have an opportunity to update you and answer questions ahead of the referendum.
We are one of the first parishes in Tunbridge Wells to have reached this stage with our development plan, although there are many in progress, and I believe this has been achieved because of the excellent input that many parishioners have given to the plan and the clear agreement of the vision we have for the Parish and the issues that are of importance to our community. Graham White Chair Lamber hurst Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group |
What is a Neighbourhood Development Plan? |
How does a neighbourhood plan help? |
It is a document created by local people that sets out planning policy for where you live. It helps you protect the things you care about in your community, such as important local green spaces, as well as make improvements to the local area. For example, it can show where buildings can and can’t be built, what they should look like, and used for. It can also encourage the kind of development that you would like to see more of.
A neighbourhood plan carries the same legal weight as plans drawn up by your borough council. This means it gives you and your community a powerful voice that must be listened to when decisions are made about development in your area. For example, your borough council must follow what’s in your neighbourhood plan when making decisions about planning applications and developers or landowners must follow it if they want to get planning permission.